SB Myndful the Blog
The Beauty of Intention

Intention: an aim or a plan. This year, I’ve been meditating on the words “Do nothing without intention”. To do something with intention is to understand where you want to go and for what purpose. The beauty of intention is that even when you have a plan of where you are headed, you have no control on what that path consists of. Eventually you must surrender all control and have faith that you will be guided exactly where you need to be. Those intentions can bloom in the most unexpected ways. When things harmoniously come together in unforeseeable ways, that...
10 Affirmations to Raise Your Self Esteem
The journey of loving yourself is a never ending route. Self love is the most rewarding gift you can give to yourself. To truly love and accept all of your flaws is the biggest power move; but how do you even get there and what does it look like? For starters, it is more than just loving your physical self and how you look. It is about cultivating a healthy relationship with your actions and thoughts. It is also about respecting your boundaries and learning to assert yourself in a way that you don’t put up with other people’s...
Take a Breath, Honey. 3 Mindful Breathing Practices.
As you start to read this I want you to take a moment to become aware of your space. What sounds are around? What do you smell? What do you see? What objects is your body in contact with? Notice and feel those contact points. Inhale fully, then exhale completely. Now do it again, inhale fully and exhale completely. Take note of how you feel. What you just did there was a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a practice of being aware of the present moment and to experience being in your body. The practice of mindfulness dates back...
New Month, New Motivation. Journal Prompts to Welcome a New Chapter.

Every day that you wake up you have the opportunity to reorient your existence. You absolutely possess the power to decide that the direction your life is heading in no longer serves you nor aligns with what you desire for yourself. It doesn’t mean that you are ungrateful for what you have. You can be grateful and still desire more out of yourself, your surroundings, your relationships and whatever you put your energy into. That modification can be as major or minor as you see fit. Collectively, we see this commonly around the new year with resolutions and the...
Spill It! Tea for the Mind, Body, and Soul.
If you’re a tea drinker like me now would be the perfect time to steep you a cup and cuddle up with a good read. To say that I love tea would be an understatement. I am drunk in love for a cup of tea, okay. The use of herbal tea for its medicinal properties can be dated back centuries in China, Japan, and India. There have been few studies to test the scientific accuracy of herbal medicine, but the eastern world has been practicing and recording said practices and passing them down for thousands of years. These...